Here is the recipe from Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book:
Sugar Cookie Cutouts
preheat oven to 375
bake 7 minutes
2/3 cup butter
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour
We are out of milk so I used about 1/2 a can of whipped frosting and honey instead of vanilla.
They do need to cook about 5 minutes longer due to the frosting, and they expand like the bags under my eyes with too much salt! ha! They are still delicious, and children would never know the difference. If you were making them to bring to someone (which we will do for our new neighbors) I would suggest making them very small and/or use a rolling pin and cookie cutters. As for decorating, I used sprinkles because, well, it's so easy. But frosting can be used as well.
I know they look a mess, but they won't look any better when they are inside our bellies. :)
Daily feel good of the day: Bake some cookies and take them to your local fire station, police department, or to someone you know that is in the military.
These cookies can also be mailed if you line a tin with saran wrap and cover the cookies in saran wrap. Just make sure you tell the people at the Post Office that the items are perishable.
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